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3.1.3 Uploading Documents with ODMA

HTML, plain text and Word documents can be uploaded to the server as follows:
  1. Start Microsoft Word.
  2. Select File->Open. The Hyperwave ODMA Select File dialog box appears (see Figure 96). Click on the Classic File Open button, and open a file from your file system.
  3. After you have loaded a file, select File->Save As. The dialog box in Figure 97 appears. Name is optional, and can be used to give the document a MIME type as well as a name (see below). You must enter a Title and select a language from the listbox (default is English). Rights are optional (see page 145 for syntax). Select the Enable version control checkbox if you want the document to be checked in after it is uploaded. Select the server and collection where you want to insert the document using the list.
  4. Click on the Save As button.

The Name attribute can be used to give the document you are uploading a particular MIME type. By default, all documents uploaded to the server from Microsoft Word using ODMA are stored on the server as Word documents. By giving the Name a value with a particular extension, you can also upload HTML and plain text documents and give them the correct MIME type on the server. For example, if you give a text document the name "home.txt", the document will be given the Hyperwave MimeType "text/plain". Likewise, a document which is given a name which ends in ".htm" or ".html" will get the MimeType "text/html".

Figure 97: Uploading a document to the Hyperwave Information Server

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