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2.7 Attribute Types

The list below explains the attribute types briefly with examples in alphabetical order. This list contains attribute types for collections, documents, remote objects, anchors, etc. CollectionType is an attribute of collections. Its possible values are Cluster, Sequence, MultiCluster and AlternativeCluster, which are all subtypes of the basic type Collection and which each have special features additionally to the normal collection features. You can use this attribute to enter a brief description of the contents of a collection or cluster. Web clients display this description between the collection's title and the listing of its contents if no full collection head has been declared for the collection (see attribute PresentationHints).

It is possible to enter different versions of the description in different languages, using the language prefixes (see Title attribute). In this case, only the description that corresponds to the selected language is shown. However, unlike the title attribute, it is not required that you give a description a language prefix.

These attributes are used to enter the actual author of the document (not the person who uploaded it) and the actual date the document was created (not the date at which the document was uploaded to the server). DocumentType tells you what type (e.g. text, collection, generic, etc.) an object has. This attribute cannot be changed by the user. The GOid or "Global Object Identifier" is a unique identifier that every object on the server has. It consists of two 8-digit hexadecimal numbers connected by an underline ("_") character. The first uniquely identifies the Hyperwave Information Server that contains the document and the second uniquely identifies that object on that server. This scheme makes the GOid for every Hyperwave Information Server object in the world unique. The GOid can be used in place of the Name attribute for server functions. For example, for the move function, a target collection must be entered so Information Server knows where to put the objects. In this case, either the Name or GOid of the collection can be entered.

This number may also be used as a path in the URL. For example, the object with the GOid 0x811b9908_0x00147a26 can be accessed from any web client using the URL


Hint is an attribute of anchors. If the anchor is pointing to another server, the value of Hint is an external URL. An anchor can also point to an object on the same server. In this case, if the link is open, i.e. the anchor's destination object has been deleted from the server, Hint stores information about the object that has been removed. This makes it possible for Information Server to reconstruct links once an appropriate object is uploaded to the server. The value of Hint in this case is either the name of the deleted object or its Title attribute and the name of the collection it was contained in. When a corresponding object is again inserted into the server, the link is reconstructed. Host is an attribute of remote documents. Its value is the remote host taken from the URL that was entered when the object was created. By default, Hyperwave Information Server displays frame documents without the Hyperwave header and footer. If this attribute type, with the value "yes", is given to a document, the frame document is displayed with a header and footer. If this attribute type, with the value "yes", is given to a document, the document is displayed without the Hyperwave header and footer. This attribute tells the document the name of the window to appear in. Its value can be any string, but there are two defined window names: "dialogs" and "HW_Mainwindow." "HW_Mainwindow" is the name of the main browser window and "dialogs" is the name of the window where all HWIS dialogs (e.g. search, edit attributes) appear. Thus if you give this attribute to a document with the value "dialogs," it will appear in the window where dialogs normally appear. If you give the attribute a value other than one of these pre-defined window names, the object will appear in another separate window. This attribute allows the user to specify the style of the window the document is to appear in. Its value is used as a parameter in the following statement:, "window_features")

The value of this attribute consists of the standard client-side JavaScript parameters.

This attribute changes the default behavior when opening documents that must be viewed using separate applications, e.g. Microsoft Word or Excel documents. Ordinarily these documents are simply opened when they are clicked on in the main browser window. However, if such a document is given the attribute HW_WM_ForceTemplates with the value "yes," then when the document is clicked on, only a link to it is displayed between the normal Hyperwave header and footer in the browser window. The purpose of this attribute is to make it possible to access document class methods for the document. The effects of the attribute are overridden by appending the following string to the URL of the document:


The Keyword attribute is optional and allows you to associate words of your choice with objects (collections, documents and anchors) while you are inserting them or afterwards. These words can be used to search for this object (see page 33) so keywords should be words that describe the object but are not found in its title. You can add a new keyword field for each keyword or you can simply enter the different keywords separated by spaces in one field. If you want to combine more than one word to a single keyword, connect the words with a hyphen, e.g. "decision-support-systems". LinkType is an attribute of anchors. Its possible values are "annotation", for annotation links, and "inline" for inline images. Normal reference links have no LinkType attribute. The MIME protocol is used in Internet communications to transmit documents of varying formats. The protocol handles complexities by establishing a relationship (a mapping) between the format of a document's content and the format of the document's computer representation. It is used to tell your Web browser how to interpret the content of a transmitted document. With the proper Helper Application settings and software, your Web browser can automatically initiate the necessary actions to provide you access to content transmitted in numerous formats. Thus it is important to set the correct MIME type when uploading documents to Hyperwave Information Server. When uploading documents, you can let the browser set the MIME type or select a MIME type from a list. It is also possible to change the value of MimeType after uploading a document. The value of this attribute can be almost any name you would like to give your document or collection except for a few restrictions: it must be unique on the server you are inserting the object into and may not contain any spaces. When naming collections, it is recommended to use a hierarchical scheme. This means that a collection should be named according to the collections which it is a member of, e.g. if your home collection is named "smith" and you want to insert a collection of personal information into it, you might name this collection "smith/personal". This naming system helps to avoid attempts to use names that are not unique.

Names are also used in URLs. For example, to access a document on your server with the name "smith/papers", you would enter the URL http://<my.server>/smith/papers.

The value of the Owner attribute is (initially) the user name of the person who created the object. This user automatically has the right to modify the object. The value of the Owner text box may be changed in order to change the ownership of the document. This can only be done by the group of system administrators (members of the group system) and not by the owner or by other users who have rights to the object. Path is an attribute of remote documents (see page 66 for instructions on how to insert remote documents). For WWW documents Path is the file name of the remote document including its directory path, e.g. if you enter the URL for your remote document, Path is public/information/text1.html. For telnet connections, which are entered as telnet://user@host, Path is the value of user. PLACE is a meta-HTML language, which is used to configure the appearance of Hyperwave Information Server's interface. It consists of standard language constructs such as if-statements, macro-statements and while-loops and a number of so-called placeholders. Placeholders make meta-information about the currently shown document and information about the Hyperwave Information Server accessible and can be of type STRING, NUMBER or BOOL.

Normally every document on a particular server has the same basic layout, which is based on a set of PLACE templates that are installed automatically with the server, and which may or may not have been altered by the server administrator. The PLACETemplate attribute is used to change that appearance for a particular document. To do this, you need a template that gives documents the desired appearance. The template script must be uploaded to the server and be given MimeType text/plain. To cause a document to use the newly uploaded PLACE template instead of the default, you must give the document the PLACETemplate attribute and enter the Name or the GOid of the place template as its value. See the Hyperwave Programmer's Guide for details on programming PLACE templates.

Port is an attribute of remote documents. Its value is taken from the URL that was entered when the document was created, if a port number was included in the URL. Its value is 80 by default. By default, Hyperwave Information Server presents collections as a list of links to their members. Clusters also have a default presentation. PresentationHints can be used to change this behavior. There are three possible entries for this field. The Price attribute is used to implement Hyperwave Information Server's document pricing feature. Different users and groups can be offered different prices based on the value of this attribute, which is a series of one or more prices (specified as unsigned 32-bit integers), optionally followed by a colon and a specification of users and user groups. Each price declaration is separated by semi-colons.

For example, the value of the price attribute could be:

0x00000064;0x00000050:g iicm,u wonko; 0x00000000:u fkappe

This specifies that the document should normally be worth 100 units (64 in hexadecimal), but members of user group "iicm" and user "wonko" get a rebate of 20% and pay only 80 units (50 in hexadecimal), while user "fkappe" would have to pay nothing.

Protocol is an attribute of remote objects and has as value the protocol type of the object, taken from the URL that was entered when the remote object was created. Possible values are "http", "https", "ftp" and "telnet". This attribute only has meaning for documents contained in alternative clusters. An alternative cluster is a cluster which contains several different documents, one of which is selected when the cluster is accessed based on preferences for preferred document type and quality set in the user record of the current user (see the Hyperwave Administrators Guide). The value of Quality can be a whole number between 1 and 100, where 100 is the highest possible quality. The Rights attribute can only be given to an object or modified by the author of the object or system users (members of user group system). It allows you to give read, write and unlink access to your objects. Read access is permission to see objects and Write access is permission to modify objects. Unlink access is only meaningful for collections and gives permission to remove objects from the collection.

By default (that is, when no Rights attribute is present) only the author of the object and members of the group system have write and unlink permissions while all users (including anonymous users) have read permission. In principle, the Rights attribute allows you to reduce the set of users who have read access, to enlarge the set of users who have write access, and to reduce the write access set to a set of users with unlink access.

Its value is composed of read (R:), write (W:) and unlink (U:) permission fields, separated by semicolons. For each field, the value 'a' means that the owner of the object has access, 'u users' means that the specified users (user names separated by blanks) have access, and 'g groups' means that the members of the specified user groups (group names separated by blanks) have access. Each field may appear only once, and within the field, field values may be separated by commas.

Summing up, syntax is as follows:

R:a,u users,g groups;W:a,u users,g groups;U:a,u users,g groups

where any of the three major fields (R, W or U) can be used or left out as needed and any of the a, u and g fields can be used or left out as needed. This is made clear in the examples that follow.

Note: This syntax may seem somewhat complicated, and thus Hyperwave offers you the alternative of using the Rights Wizard, which lets you easily give read, write and unlink rights to the users and groups of your choice.


Note that the author of an object and all system users always have read, write and unlink rights even if it is not mentioned explicitly below.

R:g project_a,u smith

Members of user group project_a and user smith have read permission, only the author of the object has write and unlink permissions (the write field is not present and thus the defaults are used).

R:g project_a project_b;W:g project_a

User groups project_a and project_b have read permission, but only group project_a has write and unlink permissions.

W:g b1 b2;U:g b1

All users have read permission (default; read field is empty), and groups b1 and b2 are granted write permission, but only the members of b1 may also remove objects from this collection (the unlink field is ignored for objects which are not collections).


Only the author has read (and by default write and unlink) permission.


This is the default setting that is used when the Rights attribute is not present: everybody can read, but only the author may write and unlink.

The value of the Sequence attribute is used to specify the order in which objects appear in the list of members when a collection is accessed. The value of this field should be a whole number, negative or positive, in the range from -2147483648 to 2147483647. It is a good idea to leave a gap between the sequence numbers so that it is always possible to insert new objects between existing ones, e.g. you should assign only the numbers 10, 20, 30, etc. to the objects. If an object has no sequence number, it is treated as if it had zero as a sequence number. By default the members are sorted by sequence number and any which have the same number are sorted by title. A sequence number is valid for every collection in which an object is contained, thus changing the sequence number for an object will affect the way it is sorted in all collections in which it is found. See also the attribute SortOrder. This attribute is useful for collections because it affects the order in which the list of collection members is presented, if the collection is presented in the default manner as a listing. There are two different ways of entering this attribute. The first option is to enter a combination of the characters in the table below, each of which stands for a certain sorting criterion.
Attribute Abbreviation
Owner A
TimeCreated C
TimeExpire E
TimeOpen O
TimeModified M
Name N
Score S
Title T
Sequence #
use the reverse of the next stated sorting criterion -

The items are sorted by the first criterion stated and those that cannot be differentiated by this criterion are sorted by the next criterion, and so on. For example, the entry #-T causes the objects to be sorted by sequence number and those objects which have the same sequence number to then be sorted by title in reverse alphabetical order. If an object has more than one title in different languages, the object will be sorted according to the title in the currently set language.

The default sort order is #T, i.e. objects are sorted by sequence number and then by title if the sequence number is the same (all objects without a sequence number are treated as if they had 0 as sequence number).

The second option for entering a value for this attribute has a somewhat more complex syntax and allows you to sort by any attribute. It consists of one or more groups of three values, separated by colons and surrounded by parentheses:

'('<AttributeName> ':' <SortType> ':' <Order>')'

Note that all three of these fields must be present when using this sorting syntax. Note also that if more than one such triple is entered, then the objects are sorted first by the first sorting criterion, and those which cannot be differentiated using one criterion are sorted by the next.

The fields have the following meanings:

<AttributeName>: The name of the attribute you want to sort by.

<SortType>: This specifies how the value of the attribute should be interpreted. The following values are possible:

I (Integer): The attribute value is interpreted as a number.

S (String): The attribute value is interpreted as a string.

D (Date): The attribute value is interpreted as a date.

E (Enumeration): The attribute value is interpreted as a string and is ordered according to the order field.

<Order>: Specifies the sort order. <Order> can have as value "+", meaning the values are sorted in increasing order, "-", meaning the values are sorted in decreasing order, or a list of values and placeholders.

If a list of values and placeholders is entered here, the attribute values are compared with the values specified and sorted accordingly. The specified values can also be just a prefix of the attribute value. It is possible to use the placeholder %lang in order to access the user's language preference.



Sort by title, where objects with German titles come first, followed by objects with English and then French titles. Objects with titles in other languages are not sorted in any special order.


Sort increasingly by sequence numbers, where objects with the same sequence number are sorted such that the most recently modified documents are first, and finally by MIME type if the documents are not distinguishable by either of the first two criteria.


Sort by title, where the objects of the language declared by the user come first.


First the objects are sorted such that objects with a German title come first, then the objects are further sorted alphabetically by title. Note that for the Title attribute as well as for all other attributes that can be given to an object multiple times, that if the same attribute is sorted by more than one criterion, the same instance of the attribute is always used. This means in this case that all objects with German titles come first after sorting by the first criterion, then when these objects are further sorted alphabetically, they are sorted by the German title and not by a title in some other language.

Subdocs is an attribute of all collection types and tells you how many documents are contained in the collection either directly or indirectly in its subcollections. Because documents can be contained in more than one collection at the same time, the value of Subdocs may be larger than the actual count of different documents in the collection and its subcollections. This attribute is maintained by the server and users cannot change its value. TAnchor is an attribute of anchors, and can have as value either "Src" for source anchors or "Dst" for destination anchors. TimeModified tells you when an object was last modified, i.e. the last time when either the object or its attributes were modified. This attribute is not under the control of the user but is maintained by the server. TimeModified is indexed, which means that it is possible to quickly find objects according to when they were last modified.

TimeCreated tells you when an object was created on the server. Like TimeModified, it is maintained by the server and is indexed.

These attributes are used to make an object on the server visible only during a certain time period. TimeOpen designates the time at which the object becomes visible and TimeExpire the time when it can no longer be seen. The object is always visible to its owner and system users and users with write rights, regardless of the entries in these fields. The entries must be of the form

mm/dd/[yy]yy hh:mm:ss

You need only specify the time to the desired accuracy; thus 01/03/99 is a valid entry and is equal to January 3, 1999 at 12:00 am.

Hyperwave Information Server objects may be given more than one title, but each title given must be declared as being of a different language. Titles can be given either when the object is being inserted or later by editing its attributes. In either case a menu where you can select a language appears after the text box where you enter the title. Note that if you sort objects by title, those objects that have multiple titles are sorted according to the title that corresponds to the current language preference.

Please note that if you do not have JavaScript, the menu mentioned above does not appear and the language must be entered along with the title. This is done by entering a two-letter language prefix, followed by a colon, followed by the title itself. All language prefixes currently in use are listed below.
Language Abbreviation
English en
German de
French fr
Italian it
Spanish es
Japanese ja

Thus, some possible entries in the Title text box when not using JavaScript are:

Type distinguishes between anchors and other documents. For anchors, Type is "Anchor" and for all other objects, e.g. collections, texts, remote documents, etc. it is "Document". This attribute cannot be changed by the user.

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