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3.4.6 Required Attributes in Virtual Folders

Required attributes is a feature that allows users to automatically give children objects of a given collection a specific set of attributes upon insertion.

Required attributes are explained in detail on page 149, including a description of the correct syntax for entering Required Child Attributes. This same syntax is used when using Hyperwave Virtual Folders, and it is important that you read this before you add Required Child Attributes.


To add a Required Child Attribute in Hyperwave Virtual Folders:

  1. In the Windows Explorer, click with the right mouse button on the Hyperwave Neighborhood object for which you wish to add the required attribute.
  2. From the context-sensitive menu, choose Properties.
  3. In the Properties dialog box (see Figure 117), type HW_ReqChildAttr in the text box labeled Attribute Name, or select it from the drop box.. In the text box labeled Attribute Value, type the Type and Name definitions and any other variants you wish to set. Be sure to use the correct syntax, as described on page 150.
  4. Click on the Add button. The HW_ReqChildAttr will appear in the listing of attributes.
  5. Click on the OK button.
The Required Child Attribute is now set for this container, and any new container (and its subcontainers) uploaded to it will automatically receive the attribute defined by HW_ReqChildAttr.

The next step is to insert a new container into the collection for which you have set the Required Child Attributes.


To insert a new container in Hyperwave Virtual Folders:

  1. Click with the right mouse button on the collection into which you wish to insert the new container.
  2. From the context-sensitive menu that appears, choose New.
  3. In the dialog box that appears (see Figure 124), enter a Name (URL) and a Title for the collection, specify the Title language and select the Type of collection you wish to enter (MultiCluster, Sequence, etc.)
  4. Click on the OK button.
Figure 124: Inserting a new Collection in Virtual Folders
  1. When you insert a new collection into a container that has been assigned a HW_ReqChildAttr, you will be prompted with a dialog box where you confirm the required attributes and their associated values, (see the example in Figure 125), or modify any of the attribute values. This dialog box will not appear if you have specified the prompt value as false when defining the Required Child Attribute.
Figure 125: Example of a Required Attributes dialog box Bulk inserts


Inserting multiple objects results in a single user interaction to input the values for the additional attributes defined by the destination container. All new objects get the same set of attribute-value pairs.


Inserting container hierarchies is handled in the same way; i.e. only the destination container defines the additional attributes. Already existing subcontainers with different attribute definitions have no affect on the object creation process.

There are two rules for the insertion process:

Values entered by the user overwrite already defined values for objects in subfolders etc. User inputs are always applied to modified objects.

Values not entered by the user are not propagated to objects already having that attribute. That means that current values are never overwritten by a default value. New objects and objects missing an attribute get the attribute with the defined default value.


It is possible for collisions to occur between existing objects and objects being uploaded when uploading a directory with Virtual Folders. A collision occurs when you try to upload an object to a collection and an object with the same Title and DocType attributes. The behavior of Required Child Attributes during collisions is described by case below.

When there is a collision, the user is asked if the object should be replaced.

When using HMI files, behavior is as follows:

The object is not changed, i.e. newly entered values for a Required Child Attribute are not used in the object When not using HMI files, behavior is as follows: The object is not touched, i.e. newly entered values for a Required Child Attribute are not used in the object It is recommended that when one is working with collection hierarchies that have different Required Child Attribute definitions in different subcollections, one should always work with HMI files. This means that one should download the collection first in order to get the HMI files (and thus the Required Child Attribute definitions) in the first place. Further, only the destination collection has an effect on documents being uploaded. When uploading a directory structure, only the Required Child Attributes of the destination collection are evaluated. Any other definitions in existing subcollections are not taken into consideration, and when using HMI files, they are overwritten.

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